Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I am Clueless..!!

Sometimes things dont seem to go the way you would expect it to happen. I wonder why this happens and sometimes I even wonder does this happen only to me..? may be its uncertainty and ambiguity which clouds.. I donno what it clouds because I am clueless.
sometimes you feel your life is the best and you start feeling happy about it but sometimes things dont go your way and this leaves you frustrated,clueless and uncertain.
There are many instances when things fall in place but all of sudden its out of place and go out of hand, and it goes out of hand before you start to realise..!!
I have heard people saying that life is roller coaster ride and indeed it is.right now i am clueless if I am included in one of the projects. as far as the onshore people are concerned i am into the project but here offshore guys are not getting me involved and I feel they wanna take somebody in my place...!! thats why I am clueless..!!